Terms and Conditions

All the users are requested to go through our terms & conditions before initiating the process.

  1. Content Posted will be Displayed on Our ShortRoADS Wall for Only 24hrs
  2. Depends on Visitors Impression Your Content can be deleted by the Group of Request Manually, But Minimum Reach to Your Content is Mandatory
  3. After the Post Time is Done, Posted Image will be Deleted and Details will be displayed to you on Search
  4. Before Posting Check Your Filling Twice, Once Post is Done You Can't Edit it Again
  5. Amount Paid from your account will not be Refunded at Any Cost Once Post is Published
  6. We are Taking this Big Step to Support Small Publishers who cannot afford High Advertising Rates
  7. An advertisement may consist of one or more of the following elements: 
    • from an image, text or graphics,
    • from sound sequences and moving images,
    • from a sensitive area which, when clicked initiates a connection to further data
  8. The Publisher is Entitled to change the general terms and conditions and prices at any time with effect for the future. Price changes for advertisement orders already placed are effective if they are expected to be published at least one month before the publication of the advertising material.